In cel mai recent post de pe blogul echipei Windows 7 (7 aprilie 2009), Microsoft au inaintat o rugamite cat se poate de legitima (insa devenita rapid controversata) catre testerii Windows 7 Beta: aceea de a nu upgrada catre RC din varianta Beta, ci de a reveni la Vista inainte de acest upgrade sau de a efectua o instalare “clean” a acestuia.
The RC is about getting breadth coverage to validate the product in real-world scenarios. As a result, we want to encourage you to revert to a Vista image and upgrade or to do a clean install, rather than upgrade the existing Beta. […] The reality is that upgrading from one pre-release build to another is not a scenario we want to focus on because it is not something real-world customers will experience. During development we introduce changes in the product (under the hood) that aren’t always compatible with what we call “build-to-build” upgrade. The supported upgrade scenario is from Windows Vista to Windows 7.
Aceasta rugaminte a fost facuta publica cu putin timp inainte ca Windows 7 Release Candidate sa fie lansat de catre Microsoft, lansare care ar putea avea loc la sfarsitul lunii mai a acestui an, potrivit unei postari accidentale facute de catre technet.
Desi cei care vor dori sa upgradeze catre RC din Windows 7 Beta vor avea aceasta optiune, Microsoft a cerut downgrade-ul pentru un feedback cat mai real.
Cu siguranta Microsoft nu se astepta la o asemenea popularitate a noului sau sistem de operare inca din faza Beta.
We’ve also learned that many of you (millions) are running Windows 7 Beta full time. You’re anxious for a refresh. You’ve installed all your applications. You’ve configured and customized the system. You would love to get the RC and quickly upgrade to it from Beta. […] We’re always humbled by the excitement around the releases and by the support and enthusiasm from those that choose to run our pre-releases. We’re incredibly appreciative of the time and effort you put into doing so. In return we hope we are providing you with a great release to work with at each stage of the evolution of the product. Our next stop is the RC…see you there!
Ce e drept, nici noi :) Insa facem parte dintre aceea care folosesc Windows 7 ca sistem de operare principal. Iar cand va fi cazul, vom downgrada catre Vista.