Istoria sistemelor de operare Windows

In prezent, cele mai populare sisteme de operare ale Microsoftului (si in general) sunt , si, mai nou, . Majoritatea dintre voi probabil inca va mai amintiti (si poate inca mai folositi, macar din cand in cand) de Windows 95, Windows 98 si Windows 2000. Insa nu sunteti curiosi sa stiti de unde au inceput sa evolueze sistemele de operare Windows? Nu v-ati intrebat niciodata unde incepe istoria acestora? Noi da. Si iata ce am aflat:

1983 — Microsoft Interface Manager was Launched
1985 — Windows Premiere Edition [Windows 1.00]
1985 — Windows 1.01
1987 — Windows 1.02 – 1.04
1987 — Windows 2.03
1987 — Windows 386
1988 — Windows 286
1990 — Windows 3.0 (Codename: Janus)
1991 — Windows NT
1991 — Windows 3.0a
1992 — Windows 3.1 (Codename: Janus)
1992 — Windows for Workgroups 3.1 (Codename: Kato)
1993 — Windows NT 3.1
1994 — Windows for Workgroups 3.11 (Codename: Snowball)
1994 — Windows NT3.5 (Codename: Daytona)
1995 — Windows NT 3.51 (Codename: Daytona)
1995 — Windows 95 (Codename: Chicago)
1996 — Windows NT 4.0 (Codename: Cairo)
1996 — Windows CE 1.0 (Codename: Talisker)
1997 — Windows CE 2.0
1998 — Windows 98 (Codename: Memphis)
1998 — Windows CE 2.1
1999 — Windows 98 SE
1999 — Windows CE 3.0
2000 — Windows 2000 (Codename: Odyssey) [The first Codename was Chicairo, but that’s very little known about, the most common codename was NT 5.0, Odyssey was just an experimental project to the GUI of Neptune]
2000 — Windows ME (Codename: Millennium)
2001 — Windows XP (Codename: Whistler)
2003 — Windows Server 2003 (Codename: Whistler Server) [.NET Server]
2003 — Windows XP 64-Bit Edition 2003 (Codename: Sundown)
2003 — Windows XP Media Centre Edition (Codename: Freestyle)
2003 — Windows XP Media Centre 2003 (Codename: Freestyle)
2004 — Windows XP Media Centre 2004 (Codename: Harmony)
2004 — Windows XP Media Centre 2005 (Codename: Symphony)
2006 — Windows Vista (Released to Corporations Only)
2007 — Windows Vista (Released to the General Public. Codename: Longhorn)
2008 — Windows Small Business Server 2008 (Codename: Cougar)
2008 –Windows Essential Business Sever 2008 (Codename: Centro)
2008 — Windows Server 2008 (Codename: Longhorn Server)
[Release Date still to be Announced]* ~ Approx Release Date 2009 – 2010 — Official Release Name Unknown (Codename: Windows Seven, formerly known as Blackcomb and Vienna)

*Windows 7 a fost deja lansat in versiune Beta pe data de 9 ianuarie 2009. Lansarea Windows 7 Release Candidate a fost anuntata pe .

Windows 96 (Codename: Nashville) and Windows 99 (Codename: Neptune) were versions of the Microsoft OS that were never released. Nashville was going to be an upgrade of Windows 95, and Neptune was going to be an upgrade of Windows 98.
Nashville was just an Internet Explorer 4.0 Beta, a try to integrate the IE into Windows 95, the Boot screen saying “Windows 96” is a mod by Ken Oath.
Windows Neptune was planned as 2000 Successor, also Neptune was NT (Windows 2000) based and not DOS based.

In filmuletul de mai sus aveti cateva imagini despre cum aratau sistemele de operare Windows de la versiunea 1.0 pana la Vista. Windows 7 nu a fost integrat in colaj datorita faptului ca filmul a fost publicat pe pe 23 decembrie 2007.

Pasionat de tehnologie, scriu cu plăcere pe începând cu anul 2006. Am o bogată experiență în sistemele de operare: macOS, Windows și Linux, dar și în limbaje de programare și platforme de blogging (WordPress) și pentru magazine online (WooCommerce, Magento, PrestaShop).

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