Windows Live Writer / WordPress – Invalid Server Response (XMLRPC)

Incercand sa postez cateva articole pe un blog (platforma: WordPress) cu ajutorul Windows Live Writer, dupa ce am dat “Publish” , am intalnit in repetate raduri o eroare de genul :

Invalid Server Response – The response to the metaWeblog.newPost method received from the weblog server was invalid: Invalid response document returned from XmlRpc server.” .

Eroarea de mai sus  apare in general, cand in post sunt inserate imagini de dimensiuni mari si pe serverul web (mai exact in Apache) este setat filtrul “SecFilterInheritance ON” .

Cea mai simpla rezolvare a problemei, este eliminarea acestui filtru pentru fisierul xmlrpc.php cu ajutorul .htaccess .

Adaugati in fisierul .htaccess urmatoarele linii si dati “save”

<Files xmlrpc.php>
SecFilterInheritance Off

Dupa ce faceti aceasta simpla operatiune, nu vor mai fi probleme legate de XmlRpc. Rezolvarea de mai sus este valabila si in cazul erorii : “Windows Live Writer was not able to automatically detect your blog: Invalid Server Response – The response to the blogger.getUsersBlogs method received from the weblog server was invalid: Invalid response document returned from XmlRpc server”, care apare cand doriti sa adaugati un nou cont de blog WordPress  in Windows Live Writer., explica directiva de securitate : SecFilterInheritance

Filter inheritance

Filters defined in parent folders are normally inherited by nested Apache configuration contexts. This is behaviour is acceptable (and required) in most cases, but not all the time. Sometimes you need to relax checks in some part of the site. By using the SecFilterInheritance directive:

SecFilterInheritance Off

you can instruct ModSecurity to disregard parent filters so that you can start with rules from the scratch. This directive affects rules only. The configuration is always inherited from the parent context but you can override it as you are pleased using the appropriate configuration directives.
Configuration and rule inheritance is always enabled by default. If you have a configuration context beneath one that has had inheritance disabled you will have to explicitly disable inheritance again if that is what you need.

Pasionat de tehnologie, scriu cu plăcere pe începând cu anul 2006. Am o bogată experiență în sistemele de operare: macOS, Windows și Linux, dar și în limbaje de programare și platforme de blogging (WordPress) și pentru magazine online (WooCommerce, Magento, PrestaShop).

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