Isi aduce aminte cineva de p(r)ostul asta ? Probabil ca nu . Sigur, nu . In fine … acolo invatam pe cineva sa “instaleze” Y!M -ul , sau mai bine spus imi descarcam nervii pe blog ca sa nu-l injur la telefon sau si mai rau , face to face . . Bun. Pe personajul co-autor al postului de care aminteam mai devreme , o sa-l numesc Bee (cu accent pe ultimul “e” ) .
Somnoros mi-a recomandat acum cateva ore , un site de vanzari online , de unde se pot achizitiona cateva articole foarte utile pentru domnul Bee .

Detail Specifications:
Are you just getting started with Windows? Are you switching from an Apple computer and finding the two or more button mice to be too complex? Salvation has arrived, in the form of the Microsoft one-button beginners and mac-user’s mouse.
– One button makes clicking easy… no more confusion about left or right click.
– No right button, no scroll wheel, no thumb buttons, no squeeze buttons
– Uses tried-and-true mechanical mouse ball technology — none of that complex laser stuff in this beginners’ mouse!
– USB, PS2, Firewire, and Serial connections
Price : *$99.99

Detail Specifications:
Cybersex will never be the same again. The new FLIR webcam from Creative shows your online partner in heatmap with it’s special infrared lens! See if your sexy words are making her blush for real.
– 640×480 resolution
– Great low introductory price!
– Sees in “heat”, especially ‘that’ kind.
Price: $59999.00 (mda . si cadavrele costa mult. )
Somnors, cum facem ? Comandam online sau il trimitem pe el la sediul firmei ? Okay , eu fac comanda si tu platesti . Hai fie … jumate-jumate . Eu platesc mouse si tu webcam .
Una peste alta , ideile celor de la sunt super dragute si merita vazute . “Mail-in rebates” =))