Despre browser-ul mobile BOLT, am mai scris aici, une si am dat si link-urile de download.
In urma cu putin timp, a fost lansata o noua versiune de BOLT (BOLT 1.5). Noua versiune vine cu cateva modificari semnificative.
BOLT 1.5 BlackBerry Browser
– Server upgrades (make v1.5 15% faster than Beta3)
– Cache support that enables directly browsing back to a previously visited page
– Download manager that downloads files directly within BOLT on JSR 75 capable devices
– Dedicated search bar, enabling search on popular search engines directly from BOLT
– Enhanced column width control that auto-aligns the text to columns for ease of reading
– Enhanced video support that includes inline media playing capability even on low-end devices.
– Support for streaming videos of any length
– Volume UP/DOWN controls in the inline media player
– Ability to rearrange the subscribed feeds using the ‘grab’ feature
– Access to History links from the URL window with inline editing OFF
– One click access on Home Page that ensures the cursor jumps to the desired widget
Am testat cateva videoclipuri pe YouTube, cu noul media player integrat in BOLT, iar rezultatele au fost satisfacatoare.

Download BlackBerry BOLT Browser.
Tastati in bowser-ul telefonului : si porniti download-ul.

Navigare placuta! :-)
Pe BlackBerry Curve 8320, browser-ul se misca mult mai rapid decat Opera Mini 5. Specific ca ambele browsere sunt in versiune Beta.