Tim Cook, CEO al Apple Inc. a fost numit “Independent Director” al NIKE Inc.

NIKE Inc. a anuntat oficial, pe website-ul companiei, numirea lui Tim Cook (CEO al Apple Inc.)  in functia de “lead independent director“. Nu se stie momentan care vor fi exact atributiile lui Tim Cook in cadrul NIKE, insa este cunoscut faptul ca acesta este membru al consiliului de conducere al companiei producatoare de articole sport, inca din anul 2015. Nu de putine ori, Tim Cook a fost vazut purtand la mana bratari Nike FuelBand si pantofi sport Nike, in timpul liber.

Aceasta numire a lui Tim Cook vine dupa retragerea lui Phil Knight din bordul de conducere al companiei NIKE si numirea lui Mark Parker. Acesta din urma era deja director al NIKE.

Nu se stie exact care va fi impactul acestor modificari in conducerea NIKE si / sau Apple. Cert este ca va continua colaborarea de traditie dintre cele doua companii. Apple are inclusa de cativa ani aplicatia Nike Running pe device-urile sale mobile. iPhone si Apple Watch.

Comunicat NIKE Inc :

NIKE, Inc. and Phil Knight Complete Planned Chairman Succession

BEAVERTON, Ore.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–NIKE, Inc. (NYSE:NKE) today announced that NIKE Chairman Phil Knight has retired from the Board of Directors and the Board has appointed Mark Parker, NIKE’s President and CEO since 2006, to the additional position of Chairman, effective immediately. This is the completion of the planned transition that was initiated a year ago.

“Phil’s impact on NIKE is immeasurable,” said Parker. “His entrepreneurial drive is and always will be part of our DNA. Along with NIKE’s exceptional management team, I am committed to leading our next era of innovation and growth as we serve and inspire athletes throughout the world.”*

The Board has also appointed Knight to the position of Chairman Emeritus, with a standing invitation to attend NIKE Board meetings as an observer and to lend his experience and time to further the growth of NIKE’s business.

“I could not be more pleased with the Board’s thoughtful execution of the succession plan, and am thrilled that an outstanding leader like Mark will head the Board,” said Knight. “I intend to continue to work to promote the company’s business in my new role for as long as I can contribute to NIKE’s success and long-term growth.”*

The Company also announced today that Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, has been appointed lead independent director of the Board, effective immediately. Cook has been a NIKE director since 2005, is chair of the Board’s Compensation Committee and serves as a member of the Nominating & Corporate Governance Committee.

Knight today announced that he has sold his voting interests in Swoosh, LLC, the company he formed over a year ago to hold the majority of his shares of NIKE Class A Common Stock, to a trust controlled by his son and NIKE director, Travis Knight. After the sale of Swoosh voting interests, Travis controls two of the five votes on the Swoosh Board, with the remaining three votes exercised by NIKE directors Mark Parker, Alan Graf, Jr., and John Donahoe.”

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